Just heard from my agent that Perfect Circle sales figures will be out soon. She sent me a photograph of the Bantam's strong room where accountants are sorting out my cut.
I'm dissappointed. It doesn't look like much, does it?
I was born in Madrid, Spain, on Valentine’s Day, but over the years I’ve lived in more than 32 countries.
I’ve spent most of my life enlightening the lives of others—not as a man of the cloth—but as a light scientist and designer, a fiber optics systems design engineer and now writer. I live in Barcelona and hope to immigrate to the United States to join my family.
I grew up on the streets with the salt of the earth and over the years worked as an altar boy, musician, waiter, lightening rod installer, site engineer, salesman, dishwasher, night porter, consultant, and sundry other high-level executive jobs. At present I’m Chief Technical Officer at a Norwegian group of companies.
My hearing is impaired from being near a bomb at too close quarters. I’ve spent a stretch in an African jail, crossed the Israeli-Egyptian border inside the trunk of an Israeli car, drove a taxi in Rio de Janeiro and clocked 200,000 miles in a single year on one of my frequent flier cards.
Yipee! I'll be glad to hear it.